Academic Engagement Symposium

The FSCJ Honors Program, in collaboration with the Diplomacy Lab and the Center for International Education, hosts a bi-annual Academic Engagement Symposium.

Open to all FSCJ students, this college-wide event is an opportunity for students to share their research, service-learning projects, global learning experiences, creative works and other academic endeavors with fellow students, faculty, staff, and community members.

Spring 2025 Symposium

The Academic Engagement Symposium is scheduled for March 7, 2025 at FSCJ's Deerwood Center

Key Dates & Deadlines

February 5Application deadline to fill out the "Request to Participate" form
February 10Notification of acceptances
February 14For poster presentations: The poster must be finalized, approved by the faculty mentor, and submitted to the Honors Director.


Symposium Format

Students may submit a proposal for an oral presentation or a poster presentation.

ACADEMIC PANEL Presentations

Presentations will be organized into academic panel presentations. The format will provide students with the opportunity to share their research findings from any discipline on a panel with 2-3 other students who share similar topics. Students will have 15 minutes to present. Students are encouraged to present dynamically on their topic, and if sharing a paper, to engage their audience through eye contact and, where useful, visual illustrations or a multimedia presentation. Technology will be available to support a slideshow or other visual aids. Q&A time will be allotted after all presentations have been delivered.

Poster Presentations

Academic poster presentations are an excellent way to showcase research and findings. A poster presentation is a formal, research-based presentation of your work. A poster presentation provides a visual representation of your research through text, charts, graphs, and other visual aids. Poster presentations will be allotted a time of 1 hour. Individuals will explain the project summarized in the poster and answer questions from Symposium attendees during the session. Posters will be printed by the FSCJ Honors Program (recommended size is 48x36). Easels and backing are provided. Further instructions will be provided in your proposal acceptance notification.

Who Should Participate

FSCJ students are invited to participate in the research symposium as a way to gain experience to present research in a condensed format while speaking to fellow FSCJ students, faculty, staff, and community members.  This format gives students the opportunity to talk about their research in a one-on-one and a small group environment.  It is an opportunity to practice presenting research before attending regional or national conferences.

Delivering a Presentation

The Library and Learning Commons has developed a set of resources to assist you in developing your presentation.

Visit the LibGuide on Academic Conferences

    Participation Prioritization

    In the event that space becomes limited, the following prioritization will be used to accept applicants:

    1. Students required to participate as part of Honors coursework
    2. Students working on research with a faculty member
    3. Students who are planning on participating in an external conference
    4. Honors and/or PTK students
    5. FSCJ students nearing graduation
    6. All other applicants
    FSCJ Academic Engagement Symposium Banner
    Submit the Application

    Interested students must submit the application form no later than February 5, 2025.

    Submit Application
    Research Poster Template

    A standard FSCJ template for research posters has been created for students to use. Students are required to use the template but may adjust headings and content based on their projects.

    Download the Template