All students in the Honors Program are eligible for one of our Honors Foundation Scholarships. Eligible prospective students will be invited to interview with the Director of the Honors Program and members of the Honors Steering Committee, and scholarship recipients will be notified at the time of admission. For more information about the Honors application process and timeline, visit the Honors Program Admission page.
The Presidential Honors Scholarship is a merit-based award that provides students a waiver for in-state tuition and fees for up to 60 credit hours. This award covers up to 15 credits per term (fall and spring).
Scholarship Requirements
Students must complete an interview. This is a highly competitive award, so students are encouraged to apply early.
The Honors Merit award provides students $250 each term, fall and spring, for up to a total of $1,000.
Scholarship Requirements
No application is required for this award. All eligible honors students will receive the award each term they are eligible (subject to available scholarship funding).