SmarterProctoring is a product of SmarterServices, LLC, which provides services to educational institutions and their students, faculty and administrators. This privacy policy describes the data that either identifies you, can be used to identify you, that we receive from you, and that we receive or obtain from others.

In addition to being bound by the Federal Family Educational Rights and Privacy ACT (FERPA) SmarterServices, LLC complies with the EU-U.S. Privacy Shield Framework and Swiss-U.S. Privacy Shield Framework as set forth by the U.S. Department of Commerce regarding the collection, use and retention of personal information transferred from the European Union and Switzerland to the United States. SmarterServices, LLC has certified to the Department of Commerce that it adheres to the Privacy Shield Principles. If there is any conflict between the terms in this privacy policy and the Privacy Shield Principles, the Privacy Shield Principles shall govern. For more information on SmarterServices’ privacy policy please click here.

FERPA allows SmarterServices to only collect, process, and store student data for contracted services. This information cannot be sold or transferred for any other purpose; Restricting access to our student data to only those within SmarterServices with an authorized reason to process or view this data.

SmarterServices may receive your personal data from the following sources: from you, from your test environment, from your school, from proctors and from other test support providers. For some SmarterProctoring™ services, just before, during and just after you take a test, SmarterServices may collect information about the physical and electronic environment in which you take a test.

Yes. The automated proctoring system requires users to download a Google Chrome extension. The Google Chrome web extension allows the automated proctoring system to access the student’s computer during an exam session. This includes accessing the webcam window and recording the desktop. During the exam, the following data is captured, analyzed, and stored:

  • Webcam video, including audio
  • Recording of desktop activity

The recordings stored from these proctoring sessions are made available to instructors and assessment center staff for review.

During the use of SmarterServices automated or live virtual SmarterProctoring™ services, SmarterServices may take videos, still pictures and audio information related to the room in which you are taking the test, as well as video and audio of your own behaviors during and for a short time before and after the test. SmarterServices also may monitor what your computing devices are displaying, what you are typing, what programs are running on your computing device, what information sources you are connected to and what information you are sending and receiving.

The school controls the information SmarterServices obtain and process. SmarterServices use of your personal data is limited by the agreement with your school. FSCJ has access to the information SmarterServices collects and the processing of that information. SmarterServices do not control what the school does with the data made available to them. You should refer to your school for what your school does with the personal data that SmarterServices captures and processes. SmarterServices will process the information they receive from you and make it available to your school.

SmarterServices also provide personal data to proctors and other test support persons in order to provide the testing services to you. Proctors and other test support persons are prohibited from using your personal data for any other purpose, by contract. SmarterServices will make available your assessment and test answers to your school. For certain assessments and tests, SmarterServices may also score your answers and make that score available to your school. SmarterServices also may make available to the school information about the environment of and your behaviors just before, during, and just after test-taking and any observations SmarterServices have or conclusions they draw from the analysis of you and your environment during the testing process.

Please click here to view the complete Privacy Policy.

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