Success and Coaching

Advising student

What is Academic Success Coaching?

The team of Academic Success Coaches are here to support you! Our coaches work with students to identify obstacles and create collaborative solutions to empower you to achieve your academic goals.  

When you meet with a coach, you will engage in a conversation designed to enhance your academic performance and well-being. Coaching provides a partnership between an Academic Success Coach and students seeking to develop strategies for being successful in college and/or improve their Grade Point Average (GPA). The goal is to help you achieve your optimal academic performance – we want you to do well in school, graduate, and move on to the next step, whether that be to a career or pursuing a higher degree.

This partnership is designed to:

  • Identify barriers to academic progress
  • Implement a personal solution to challenging issues or areas of concern
  • Explore and practice good study skills and habits
  • Discover College resources available to support your personal, social and academic goals

How can meeting with an Academic Success Coach help me?

  • Your Academic Success Coaches are committed to providing you with ongoing support. From working on time management to test anxiety, Academic Success Coaches help you stay on track as you progress. After an initial visit, you can schedule follow-up appointments to help you increase your confidence and achieve your goals. These visits are free and available to all students.
  • If you are on Academic Warning it is highly recommended that you schedule an appointment to meet with a Success Coach. If you are on Academic Probation or Suspension, you are required to meet with an Academic Success Coach to discuss any registration holds that will prevent you from signing up for classes. To learn more about the process, please refer to FSCJ's Standards of Academic Progress in the College Catalog.  

How can I make an appointment with an Academic Success Coach?

Appointments may be made by clicking “Request an Appointment” below. Then login using your myfscj username and password, click on “Appointments” within the Insight module. Select “Success & Coaching” as appointment type to schedule an in-person, phone, or virtual appointment for a time this most convenient for you. Appointments are preferred as walk-in appointments may not be available.

Request an appointment

What can I expect from my Academic Success Coach appointment?

Academic Success Coaches are here to support you and help you stay on track. As it is focused on your needs and goals, the coaching appointment will be driven by you. The coach will listen, ask questions and may provide information about tools, strategies and resources, but most of the time you will be talking through and thinking about the goal you are trying to achieve. 

Locations and Contacts

Downtown Campus
Tasha Jones

Room: A-1112
Phone: (904) 357-8958

Kent Campus/Cecil Center
Laura Montagano
Room: B-103D
Phone: (904) 381-3539

North Campus/Nassau Center
DeAnn Greenawalt
Room: E-147
Phone: (904) 713-6004

South Campus
Philip Sabado
Room: U-124
Phone: (904) 646-2183

To contact an Academic Success Coach,
please email