Register with the District

All homeschool students must be registered with their county’s school district office as a homeschool student. Homeschool students must meet admissions criteria and maintain program eligibility to participate in Dual Enrollment.


Complete Online Dual Enrollment Application:

Submit an online FSCJ Dual Enrollment Application at As you are completing the online application, you must print out the Dual Enrollment Consent Form. Your parent/guardian must sign on the signature line for the high school counselor as well as the signature line for the parent/guardian. Be sure to write down your FSCJ student number once received for future use.


Test Scores: 

Be sure you have a placement test to provide with your completed application, if you have not taken the ACT or SAT. Duval Homeschool students will test with DCPS Assessment. Nassau Homeschool students will test with FSCJ.  

DCPS Home Education PERT Testing:

Nassau Homeschool Testing:


Submit Required Forms:

Required forms can be sent via email to an FSCJ Dual Enrollment Coordinator for Homeschool Students.  

  1. Homeschool Articulation Agreement
  2. Textbook Agreement
  3. Homeschool District Verification
  4. Registration Form
  5. Parent Contract

Register for Classes:

Your FSCJ Dual Enrollment Coordinator will help you register for classes. Dual Enrollment students do not self-register for classes. All registrations are done by the assigned deadline. No registration activity will occur after the deadline.  


Attend Orientation:                    

Orientation for new students will be set up by FSCJ for specific dates and locations depending on the locations of the students.



FSCJ provides textbooks to homeschool students. The textbooks are issued through the FSCJ Bookstore, not the Dual Enrollment Office. Please bring a printed copy of your     schedule to the closest FSCJ Bookstore to receive your textbooks. All homeschool Dual Enrollment students must sign a rental agreement for textbooks, agreeing to return the textbooks on the last day of the term. Failure to return these items will result in a fine and possible removal from the following term classes.