Course Delivery Definitions

Florida State College at Jacksonville offers many course delivery options to meet the needs of our students. One of the ways that we do this is through the use of the online environment to provide some or all of your course contact hours and content.

Online Course Delivery Options

On Campus Instruction/Web-Enhanced:

Instructor meets with students “face-to-face” for most of the course instruction, however some course materials/activities (0-29%) may be online and require some Internet access. Online components may include access to course content, course notes, and exams.


A hybrid course is one that blends online and face-to-face delivery of the course content and instruction. A substantial proportion (30-79%) of the content is delivered online, typically uses online discussions, and typically has a reduced number of face-to-face meetings.

Online/Distance Learning:

A fully online course is one where most or all of the content is delivered online (80-100%) and typically has few or no face-to-face meetings. Some fully online courses require proctored testing at approved testing sites or centers and other outside the classroom course activities.