S-5 STEM Grant

FSCJ STEM Success through Scholarships, Support and Service (S-5) helps first generation and Pell-eligible students majoring in select STEM fields by connecting them with peer networking, enhanced academic and non-academic support and career development opportunities.


  • Up to $6,500 scholarship for full-time and $3,250 for part-time students per academic year
  • Faculty mentors
  • Peer support
  • Professional development, service-learning, research, travel and internship opportunities
  • Post-graduation support


  • Be a U.S. citizen, national, refugee alien or permanent resident at the time of application
  • Enrolled full- or part-time in an eligible STEM discipline in one of the College’s degree-seeking programs of study in the current or upcoming term
  • Have at least a 2.75 cumulative GPA or demonstrate academic potential or ability
  • Demonstrate a financial need as defined by U.S. DOE rules for financial aid
  • Submit a letter of recommendation from a teacher, professor, employer or supervisor

S5-STEM-Eligible Degree Programs

To apply, visit FSCJ’s scholarship webpage and select “Learn More” under Current Student. Students who meet eligibility requirements should complete the College’s general scholarship application to be matched to the S-5 program. For more information, email the S-5 STEM scholarship team.

This material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant #2130293.