Disadvantaged Businesses

Links to Small Disadvantaged Business (SDB) vendors directories that Florida State College at Jacksonville's purchasing department can consider using and other resources are provided below.

The State of Florida's Minority Business Enterprise (MBE) program has been restructured under legislation passed during the 2000 session. Under this legislation, the Minority Business Advocacy and Assistance Office has been renamed the Office of Supplier Diversity (OSD). It has been reorganized and moved from the Department of Labor and Employment Security to the Department of Management Services. The principle focus of the OSD will be to improve economic opportunities for the state's women- and minority-owned businesses. Using improved management processes, the office has streamlined its SDB certification procedures and shortened the time for certification, as well as the amount/type of detailed business data required of vendors. The OSD staff provides day-to-day operations of the program, which is designed to improve business opportunities in the State of Florida for small disadvantaged businesses. Under the new legislation, the Governor's executive agencies are no longer permitted to use set-asides and price preferences in awarding contracts. The Governor has established the One Florida Initiative and requires agency heads and purchasing officials to ensure the Equity in Contracting provisions are carried out.

Diversity 2000 is the online hub for supplier diversity. The heart of this webpage is its informative database of Minority and Women Business Enterprises (M/WBE's) and contacts within Fortune 1000 companies. DIV2000 also facilitates your ability to remain abreast of activities and news that affect M/WBE's and Blue Chip Companies.