Certification/Professional Renewal

Certification/Professional Renewal of Your Florida Educator Certificate

FSCJ is on the Florida Department of Education’s list of accredited colleges for Florida Educator Certificate renewal. Taking college credit coursework at FSCJ provides an alternative to those who aren’t currently teaching in a public school and don’t have the opportunity to earn in-service points. Retired teachers, private school teachers and those who are currently outside of the teaching profession may need to renew a Florida Educator Certificate through college credit coursework.

The rules for renewing your Florida Educator Certificate are established by the Florida Department of Education.  Please read the Florida Educator Certification Renewal Requirements and contact the Bureau of Educator Certification to ask questions about renewing your certificate. When you are ready, use the Florida Educator Certification Online Application to apply for renewal of your certification. We encourage you to complete your classes in a timely manner in order to renew your Florida Educators Certificate on time.

The following steps are provided to help you take classes at FSCJ to Certify/renew your certificate.

New students must apply to the College and pay a $25* application fee. Current and former students must ensure their information is up-to-date. If you are unsure of your status, you should apply as a first time student.

Note: An online application process is available. Due to the documentation required, we recommend using the appropriate process listed below.

*This is a non-refundable processing fee.

Enrollment for First Time/Current/Former students

You can complete the application by going here

  1. Create an Application Account
  2. General Application
  3. Complete the application information
  4. Choose the Education Goal Option: K-12 Teacher Certification Program.
  5. Program of Study: Teacher Recertification

Please email your current professional educator certificate or your professional temporary certificate toTeachCert@fscj.edu. If you do not have this, please provide a valid Statement of Eligibility to TeachCert@fscj.edu.

Below is the list of previously approved courses by the Florida Department of Education that are offered here at FSCJ. Student will need to confirm with Florida Department of Education Bureau of Educator Certification if the courses meet their requirements.

Professional AreaCourse IDCourse Name
Classroom Management with a focus on creating safe learning environments for students in which effective teaching and learning can take place by promoting a physically, emotionally, socially and academically secure climate for studentsEDG4410Classroom Management/Chil d Guidance
*Field Experience Required
Child and Adolescent Development including theories and principles of learningDEP2002Child Psychology
DEP2004Human Growth and Development
EEC4301Cognitive Experiences for Young Children
*Field Experience Required
Educational Assessment Practice that include analysis and application of data from statewide standardized assessments and other multiple sources to improve instruction and learningEEX4231Assessing Progress of Young Children with Special Needs
Effective Instructional techniques, strategies and materials to meet the needs of diverse learners including students with disabilitiesEDG4930Instructional Strategies for Varying Student Populations Special Topics
Application of Research based instructional practices in ReadingRED4511Linking Literacy and Assessment
*Field Experience Required
Instructional Strategies for teaching Student of Limited English Proficiency including instruction in English language and development of the student’s mastery of the four language skills of listening, speaking, reading and writing.TSL3081Teaching English Language Learners
*Field Experience Required


Though there is a broad range of coursework the Florida Department of Education will accept toward your certificate renewal, there are a few classes that won’t count. You cannot select any of our classes with an EPI prefix as these are pre-professional courses toward teacher certification and are not traditional college credit. Some education classes in the Early Childhood Education bachelor’s degree program may require special permission to enter and these courses are only appropriate for renewal if your certificate is in this area.

If you have questions about the eligibility of classes you have chosen to take, please contact the FLDOE with the course identification for the class(es) you are considering.  The Florida Department of Education keeps records of who they talk to but it is always a good idea to write down the name of the person in their call center who approves the class you plan to take.

Once the courses have been confirmed with FLDOE, you should have a list of available courses that align with the Florida Department of Education Professional Areas. Always confirm with the Florida Department of Education Bureau of Educator Certification before registering for a course. If you have any questions or need additional assistance in class selection and registration, please call (904) 633-8182 Option 4 or email TeachCert@fscj.edu.

Make an Online Payment

  1. In the Student Center, go to Financial Account Tile.
  2. On the left-side menu, Click on Make a Payment.
  3. This will direct you to the payment website.

NOTE: There is a convenience fee when you pay by credit card.

The Florida Educator Certification Renewal Requirements allows the usage credits earned by examination to be applied toward certification renewal if the course content is ap propriate and is reflected on the student’s official transcript. FSCJ offers credit by assessment through the College Level Examination Program (CLEP), Defense Subject Standardized Test (DSST) and Excelsior assessment. Contact the Florida Department of Education for final approval of any credit by exam prior to taking the exam.

If you need further assistance, please contact the Department of Education and Human Services at 633-8182 Option 4 or email TeachCert@fscj.edu.