All appointments for online courses are made in your Canvas course shell via SmarterProctoring.
The only exception is for students with private room accommodations, which must be scheduled through a staff member at your campus of choice. For contact information, please visit our Assessment Center Information Page.
FSCJ provides free, on-campus testing for all online courses at our campuses and centers.
If your professor is providing virtual testing options, you must have a working webcam and microphone. Prior to each testing session, you should run a system check provided by the vendor to ensure your computer hardware, software, and internet connection supports the session.
Students are responsible for all associated fees.
To secure a proctor at another institution, students can use SmarterProctoring (if enabled by their professor) or provide an Online Remote Site Proctor Approval Form to the Distance Learning Assessment Coordinator. It is strongly recommended that a completed form be sent to Deerwood Assessment Center Remotes Testing Services at at least two weeks in advance of your desired test date.
Students are responsible for all associated fees.
Please reach out to your professor if this is the option you wish to pursue.
Please see Remote Site Testing for more details.
To schedule exams for your course, you will need to log into your myFSCJ account, go to your Canvas classroom, and then click on the Smarter Proctoring button. You will need to register the first time you access the link and then follow the prompts to make your testing appointment.
More information about Faculty testing at FSCJ can be found at Faculty Testing.
*Students must sign-in to their proctored sessions at least 15 minutes before their session starts. Anyone arriving late may not be allowed to test.
All assessments require a current FSCJ student ID or government issued identification.
Still have questions?
Please contact our Distance Learning Assessment Specialists by email at: