Students must present either a physical government-issued photo ID or FSCJ Sstudent ID. No photocopies. No exceptions.
All accommodations are approved through Student Support Services.
Private Testing Room:
1. Private testing rooms must be scheduled through an Assessment staff member. Making an appointment through SmarterProctoring or RegisterBlast does not reserve a private testing room.
2. To reserve a private testing room, call or email your center of choice. If your faculty member uses SmarterProctoring, you must be ready to schedule your appointment at the time of the call.
3. In the event all rooms are booked, you may still test at the center, but you must sign a waiver of accommodations at the time of testing.
Double Time:
Readers and Scribes:
Additional Testing Materials:
FSCJ is dedicated to maintaining an environment that fosters student success. The College endeavors to protect the rights of students and expects all students to act responsibly.
Any act or behavior by a student that impairs, interferes with, or otherwise disturbs or obstructs the orderly conduct, processes, functions, and/or interests of the College is expressly prohibited. Each student is subject to federal and state laws, respective county and municipal ordinances, and all rules and regulations of the College. Violations of published laws, ordinances, rules, or regulations may subject the violator to the appropriate disciplinary action by College authorities.
Disciplinary action, unless otherwise provided by law, may include fines; the withholding of diplomas or transcripts, pending compliance with rules on payments of fines; and the imposition of probation, suspension, or dismissal. Students shall be afforded due process prior to the administration of disciplinary action for violation of College conduct policies.
The Expectations of Student Conduct can be located by clicking on the appendix link in the College Catalog.
Personal items are not permitted in the testing room. Examples of personal items are, but not limited to, hats, watches, cellphones, wallets, purses, books, pens, pencils, food, drink, candy, gum, etc.
Head coverings of any kind are not permitted unless being worn for religious or medical purposes. All items will be visually inspected prior to testing.
Faculty determine all testing materials for exams. If a student believes additional materials should be allowed, it will be the responsibility of the student to contact the professor for clarification.
Assessment staff will provide (if permitted) scratch paper, pencils, and any faculty attachments.
All testing materials used at the testing station must be turned in at the end of testing. Should your exam allow a formula sheet or notes, you may have Assessment staff photo copy your notes/formula sheet before testing; however, you must remember that whichever you choose to use, the original or the photocopy, must be turned in at the end of the exam.
All FSCJ assessment centers follow the Academic Dishonesty Procedures as defined in APM 11-0604. For the complete APM, you may visit Student Academic Dishonesty Procedures.
Should a student be found to violate any of the policies below, testing will be terminated and the student will be referred back to the professor.
It is a crime in the state of Florida “for any person to knowingly and willfully take an online course or examination on behalf of another person for compensation” as per Section 1002.321(4), Fla. Stat. (2012).
The following activities and behaviors are considered violations of expected academic honesty and are subject to disciplinary action:
For some courses, your faculty may set up scheduling through SmarterProctoring, which is located in Canvas. Please use the PDFs below to assist in navigating through your scheduling process.
Student Setting Up a SmarterProctoring Account
Student Setting Up a SmarterProctoring Account with Accommodations
Student FSCJ Campus SmarterProctoring Scheduling Step by Step
Student External Testing Centers SmarterProctoring Scheduling Step by Step
Student Automated Proctoring Scheduling Step by Step
Student Cancelling or Rescheduling Step by Step